When is it time for a new mobile phone?

Let’s be honest, if we listened to the advertisements, we’d all be buying a new mobile phone every six months. But in a society where we need to increasingly think about our throwaway culture as well as being sensible with money, when do we need to invest? Well, there are a number of reasons why you may want to upgrade, whether you’re seeking to get your hands on the latest model or you’re looking for a better mobile data plan with a new telco company. What makes you want to buy a new mobile phone?

New Features
Over the past ten years, technology has transformed the way in which mobile phones look, perform and function within our daily lives. Think how revolutionary the Blackberry was. Emails on your phone! And now we have iPhones and Samsung Galaxy Notes which can do so much more. And it’s only been ten years. Let’s face it, sometimes we want to upgrade just because we want the new mobile phone that can do something our old phone can’t. And that’s fine – that’s a great reason to upgrade!

Better Deals
Every year, the offerings available for our mobile data plans increase. Compared to this time last year, telco companies will offer you more data for less money if you walked into a store today. As mobile phones become so intrinsic to our way of living, the cost is driven down by consumer demand. And as it’s such a lucrative business, there are always going to be emerging telco companies who are competing to offer the best, most affordable and most inclusive mobile data plans. So if you’re considering buying a new mobile phone but don’t know whether the money is worth it, we recommend that you compare the current mobile data plans available on the market with what you’re currently paying. And don’t forget to include some of the new telco companies in your research. Often they are very competitively priced with the larger, more established companies but will deliver a better, more personalised customer experience.

So, is it time for you to upgrade? If you’re looking to buy a new mobile phone, head to the TeleChoice website and check out or phones on plan today.


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