Bring Apps into the Classroom for Fun, High-Impact Learning

In recent years, education has changed a lot – and much of that has to do with the technology we use in the classrooms. Tablets and mobile devices play a critical role in the learning experience, especially through the use of apps. Thanks to exceptional TeleChoice coverage across Australia and affordable TeleChoice mobile plans, kids and teachers can take learning online for fun, interactive and cutting-edge lessons. Here are the best apps for the classroom, from TeleChoice Brisbane.

  • Google Classroom: This is a comprehensive classroom administration app that Google designed to meet teacher and learner needs. Usable on smart boards, desktops, tablets and mobile phones, Google’s app brings everyone together. Teachers can send out homework assignments, feedback and more, while classmates can get together online and brainstorm their projects. It’s also fantastic for tracking marks and student performance! You can download it using Wi-Fi or data off affordable TeleChoice mobile plans. 
  • Educreations: Stream pre-prepared lesson content directly onto your smartboard to help support visual learning, from text and images to videos and animations. You can upload content or create your own, to make theory-heavy subjects more engaging and the details easier to grasp. 
  • Kahoot: If you want to make quiz time more fun than a hassle, then this is the app you need! In addition to a whole range of loaded quizzes, you can also make your own quiz and host quizzes and games from your app for a classroom gameshow (you can also play over Airplay too). Students can practice on single-player mode to exercise their minds, challenge their friends to compete and prepare for test days. It’s a great learning reinforcement tool that kids enjoy using, and you can download it anytime, anywhere – TeleChoice coverage has you covered. 
  • TED-Ed: TED talks are an incredible resource for teachers and students alike, helping to explore new topics and skills, and expand knowledge. Being able to watch a talk on a specific subject led by a leader in that field is invaluable to sparking curiosity, engaging students and creating excitement around learning. You can watch any of the thousands of educational TED talks on this app using Wi-Fi or data off affordable TeleChoice mobile plans from TeleChoice Brisbane. 
  • Class Dojo: A firm favorite, Class Dojo is all about rewards-based learning and is used a lot at junior levels. Each student gets to create their own avatar and join the online community created by the kids, parents, and teachers. It’s all about creating a space for the positive feedback and awarding points for good behaviors in the classroom. You can even send parents messages, photos, and video clips, while parents watch their child’s feedback in real-time! You can download this app anytime, anywhere – TeleChoice coverage has you covered. 
Looking for TeleChoice mobile plans? Visit the team at TeleChoice Brisbane today and we’ll make sure you get an affordable, flexible contract that meets all your needs.


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